Thursday 20 March 2014

A Response to Brent Curtis’ “Less-Wild Lovers”

Please consider reading Curtis' article, though it is long it is incredible profound, it can be found at the follow link:-

In this article by Brent Curtis we are presented with the idea that we all have a deep desire for “Sacred Romance” which can only be satisfied by relationship with God. Sadly, as fallen beings, we all-too-often turn instead to less-wild loves, prostituting ourselves to fleeting fakes and substitutes, all of which can be considered addictions. Curtis uses the classic example of the road, straight and easy (away from God) and the less traveled, more challenging road (with/toward God).

Curtis certainly speaks great truth in this article, presenting a clear and poetic picture of the human condition. I confess, I have often chosen the temporary anesthesia, suppressing my longing for intimacy with my Lord. When troubles and concerns come knocking at my door it seems far easier to switch on the TV and vegetate, drowning out the monotony of the unwelcome caller with the warm comfort of my subtle addiction to seemingly innocent entertainment.

I look down the road and I see a bend which holds nothing but mystery, and this is concerning. What will the road less traveled bring me to? What are the dangers? Will I be comfortable? Will I be able to provide for my family? These are concerns which may appear valid, but really, when set against the backdrop of the glory of God, why do I doubt my future? Why would I choose another road? Curtis does a beautiful job of expressing the human desire to follow the straight road, away from God, and into the arms of less-will lovers. We have to ask ourselves, Will we confess as Israel did in Jeremiah 2:25? Will we admit that our hearts long for foreign gods? Or will we relent in our adultery and commit ourselves to the sacred romance which is union with God. Personally, I long for “...the place where God holds out his hand and asks us to give up our lovers and come and live with him in a much more personal way” I long for it every moment of every day, and I think God honors that longing. When I take the initiative to shut off the distractions all I hear is God’s calling. When I turn away from the garish shouts of the less-wild lovers, the subtle addictions that woo me into submission, that is when I hear God’s gentle whisper, and walk into his sacred romance. Indeed, as Curtis states,We come to a place in our spiritual life where we hear God calling us... he is calling us to give up the less-wild lovers that have become so much a part of our identity, embrace our nakedness, and trust in his goodness.”

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